
Pigmentation or dark spots can stand in the way of having a clear or even complexion. As these dark patches of skin are stubborn to treat and can take years to fade, they can be a source of embarrassment or frustration. The good news is there are plenty of ways to treat them or improve their appearance.

Sanctuary by Cutis can be your partner in having a refreshed skin tone or brighter complexion to unveil a more youthful and glowing appearance.

What is pigmentation?

Also known as hyperpigmentation, pigmentation occurs when there is an increase of pigment or melanin in the skin. Affecting both men and women of all ages and skin color, it shows up as flat and darkened spots that vary in size, shape, and color. People with darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation changes than people with lighter skin tones

Pigmentation takes in different forms and types, such as:

    • Age spots – are also known as sunspots or liver spots. These small, darkened patches commonly occur on the face and hands, and body areas regularly exposed to the sun.
    • Freckles – are small, brown patches that commonly occur on the face, chest, and arms. Freckles may be inherited and can become more pronounced when exposed to the sun or during the summer season.
    • Melasma –presents itself as larger patches of gray or dark-colored skin. It usually occurs on the face and is more common in women than men.Hormonal fluctuations, such as in pregnancy or as a side effect of taking birth control pills can trigger melasma.
    • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) –  is a reminder what your skin has gone through afteran injury or trauma. Acne, burns, psoriasis, skin lesions, and harsh skin care treatments may lead to PIH.

What causes pigmentation?

Increasedpigment or melanin production is the primary cause of hyperpigmentation. Melanin is the natural pigment that gives the skin, hair, and eyes their color. Factors that can trigger increased melanin productioninclude:

  • Sun exposure – prolonged and unprotected sun exposure can lead to the development of skin discoloration or make existing pigmentation darker.
  • Skin trauma or injuries – acne, eczema, and psoriasis, as well as skin injuries like cuts and burns can cause skin discoloration even after the wound or inflammation has healed.
  • Hormonal changes – pigmentation occurs when certain hormones stimulate melanin production, particularly when the skin is exposed to the sun. Hormone treatments can also cause pigmentation.
  • Certain medications and illnesses – antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and anti-seizure medications, as well as metabolic disorders and autoimmune diseases, can also trigger hyperpigmentation.

How can we help?

Sanctuary by Cutis provides a number of medical aesthetic treatments that can fade or lighten your dark spots. We have non-invasive skin procedures that can reduce or eliminate different types of pigmentation such as age spots, freckles, melasma, and PIH.

Potential treatments are as follows: